Payday what should I buy on Aliexpress????

Hello everyone,

Not only is it Friday, but it is also payday in my household and I have an allowance :).

what should I get from Aliexpress. Below is what I received yesterday and I am working on putting it together. I decided to take a time lapse video of myself doing it and so far it has turned out really nice. I will edit together along with some history of the actual tank and up load it to my Youtube.


Have any of you bought anything from Aliexpress before? I am having a internal struggle for the need to buy something and waiting for their 7th anniversary sale that will happen next week. I have about 23 things in my basket ready for me to click buy at any moment. That is not a good thing at all, but is the life of a geek/nerd such as myself.

I tell my wife I am a nerd I am not out drinking or doing something bad, I read comics, play video games and build models. It is how I pass my time when her and the kids are in bed. It is very rare during the week that I will do any of those things while they are awake. I have such little time with them that I want to  spend as much time as I can with them. That is one of the reason I get up at 4:45 in the morning week day. I get up that early so I can go to the gym and get my workout done so I do not take up time after work.

OK, enough about that, this is suppose to be a blog about Aliexpress and the sweet things you can find there for cheap. I will have to make a deccision of what I want here in the next few hours so i can keep my flow of one item a week showing up so i can review and do a video on.


than you for taking time out of your busy day to read my post and please leave comments and tell me the good and the bad of what you have read and anything you would like me to do different.