Aliexpress product reviews are on their way!!

My name is Mike and this is my first attempt at website. I have been on YouTube for several years showing off my comic book collection and talking comics. Well, I have decided to change focus for the site and I am burnt out on comics (politics).

I had not made a YouTube video I. Almost a year before I went back this past week and made a video. It felt good to record stuff and edit the footage and make something. It is far from my best work and really  gave me something to thing about.

Finally, I am done rambling on and to the reason for this site, I love Aliexpress. A buddy of mine introduced it to me about a year ago when we had been talking minifigures.  Before comics I was a Lego nut!!!!  Well, as I was looking poking on Aliexpress I found thousands of minifigures on the site and I was in heaven.  I also found a plethora of “Chinese version” of what look like legos.  I was intrigued by those products and the prices they are offered at. One of the reasons I no longer buy Lego is they are so expensive and has a married father of 3 boys money is always going places other than my hobbies.

I decided to start buying some sets on Aliexpress. I was surprised to find that almost all the ones I bad bought where quality products that fit together and are still just as enjoyable to put together and look at.

I have bought a number of things from Aliexpress and I LOVE the items I have received.  I have purchased shoes, phone accessories, toys, electronics and other odds and ends.

So please sit back relax and I will review all things Ali from the products to seller and the site itself.


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